17 places to find datasets for data science projects
An Introduction to Data Mining (online book)
Apache Mahout, scalable machine learning library
A Visual Introduction to Machine Learning
Busca de artigos científicos: Diversas bases de artigos
Busca de artigos científicos: Google Acadêmico
Busca de artigos científicos: IEEExplore
Busca de artigos científicos: Periódicos da CAPES
Busca por 'dados abertos'
Datamob / Data (dados públicos)
How Companies Learn Your Secrets - NYTimes
How Target Figured Out A Teen Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did - FORBES
Introduction to Information Retrieval
KDnuggets: Data Mining Community Top Resource for Analytics, Data Mining, and ...
Machine Learning in Python
Machine learning with R in 15 hours of expert videos
mldata.org, repository for your machine learning data
Modelo de artigo/relatório da SBC
Orange - Data mining through visual programming or Python scripting
PhysioBank (base de dados fisiológicos)
Portal Brasileiro de Dados Abertos
RapidMiner - ferramenta
Rattle: A Graphical User Interface for Data Mining using R
scikit-learn - Machine Learning in Python
Software Suites for Data Mining, Analytics, and Knowledge Discovery
Template de artigos da CPS da IEEE Computer Society
UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository
WEKA Data Mining Software in Java